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1. Prakash S, Singh P, Nagayach P, Singh K, Bharti R, Prakash Gunjan. Index as a Measure of Angiogenesis in Prostate Cancer and Its Correlation with Gleason Grade and Score. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Dec;16(12):5-9
2. Prakash Gunjan, Agarwal R, Natung T. Role of Lipids in Retinal Vascular and Macular Disorders. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2017 Mar;32(1):3-8
3. Natung T, Keditsu A, Lyngdoh LA, Dkhar B, Prakash Gunjan. Normal Macular Thickness in Healthy Indian Eyes Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Asia Pacific J Ophthalmology. 2016 May;5(3):176-9
4. Prakash Gunjan, Gupta M, Jain S, Nath T. Susac Syndrome: First Case Report from India and Youngest in the World. Indian J Ophthalmol 2013;61:772-3
5. Prakash Gunjan. Shephali J, Tirupati N, Ji PD. Recurrent central serous chorioretinopathy with dexamethasone eye drop used nasally for rhinitis. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol 2013;20:363-5
6. Prakash Gunjan, Chauhan, N, Jain S, Satsangi SK. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: A Review of the Literature. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 2013 Mar-Apr;2(2):104–10
7. Prakash Gunjan, Shephali J, Leena B, Shikha P, Bist HK. Homeopathic Medicine as an Exacerbating Factor of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2012;3:259
8. Chhabra MS, Prakash Gunjan, Vashisht N, Garg SP. Retinitis pigmentosa and congenital toxoplasmosis: a rare coexistence. Indian J Ophthalmol 2007 Jul-Aug;55(4):303-4
9. Vengayil S, Prakash Gunjan, Garg SP. Giant retinal tear associated with gas tamponade. Br J Ophthalmol 2006 (21 July) Electronic Letter
10. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Gupta R. Spontaneous bilateral giant retinal tears with near simultaneous occurrence. Indian J Ophthalmol 2006 Jan-Mar;54(1):67
11. Kumar A, Chhabra MS, Prakash Gunjan, Kulkarni AD. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome with intracranial meningioma: an as yet unreported association. Can J Ophthalmol 2005 Dec;40(6):725-8
12. Chhabra MS, Prakash Gunjan, Vohra R, Garg S. Local anesthetic in vitreoretinal surgery. Ophthalmology 2005 Nov;112(11):2052
13. Kumar A, Wagh VB, Prakash Gunjan, Nag TC, Prakash S. Visual outcome and electron microscopic features of indocyanine green-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling from macular hole of various etiologies. Indian J Ophthalmol 2005 Sep;53(3):159-65
14. Nainiwal S, Garg SP, Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal N. Bilateral vitreous haemorrhage associated with dengue fever. Eye. 2005 Sep;19(9):1012-3 [Epub]
15. Prakash Gunjan, Venkatesh P, Garg SP. An Unusual Cause for Non-Detection of Retained Metallic Foreign Body on Ocular Ultrasonography! Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2005 Jun;33(3):333-4
16. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan. Differential staining with Indocyanine green and Trypan blue dye. Indian J Ophthalmol 2004 Dec;52(4):339
17. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Singh RP. Transpupillary thermotherapy for idiopathic subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2004 Apr;82(2):205-8
18. Prakash Gunjan, Kumar A, Purohit A, Kumar A. Unusual case of residual cortical lens matter in anterior chamber. Br J Ophthalmol. 2003 Nov;87(11):1421
19. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Tewari HK. Trypan blue enhanced vitrectomy in clear gel vitrectomy. (In reply). Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51(3):286-7
20. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal S. Finer points about intravitreal corticosteroids. (In reply). Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51(3):285-6
21. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Tewari HK, Gupta SK, Murthy GVS, Sharma N. Screening for diabetic retinopathy by non-ophthalmologists: an effective public health tool. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2003 Aug;81(4):373-7
22. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Gupta SK, Murthy GVS, Tewari HK. Ophthalmoscopy training should be mandatory for medical undergraduates. Natl Med J India. 2003 May-Jun;16(3):178
23. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal S. Management of iatrogenic intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide. Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51(2):180-1
24. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Tewari HK. Trypan blue enhanced vitrectomy in clear gel vitrectomy. Indian J Ophthalmol 2003;51(1):106
25. Sharma PM, Singh RP, Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Mathur MB, Malik P. Choroidal tuberculoma in miliary tuberculosis. Retina. 2003 Feb;23(1):101-4
26. Gogoi M, Menon V, Saxena R, Prakash Gunjan, Kapur A. Bilateral eccentric fixation with exotropia in a patient with bilateral healed central chorioretinitis. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2003 Jan-Feb;40(1):44-6
27. Panda A, Bajaj MS, Balasubramanya R, Prakash Gunjan. Topical mitomycin C for conjunctival-corneal squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Ophthalmol 2003 Jan;135(1):122-3
28. Verma L, Moolchand, Prakash Gunjan, Tewari HK. Indocyanine Green Enhanced Maculorhexis in Macular Hole Surgery. (Letter to Editor). Indian J Ophthalmol 2002 Dec;50(4):357-8
29. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Wagh VB. Wide-angle vitreous surgery without stereoscopic diagonal inverter. Indian J Ophthalmol 2002 Dec;50(4):356
30. Verma L, Elankumaran P, Prakash Gunjan, Venkatesh P, Tewari HK. Awareness of diabetic retinopathy among diabetics. Indian J Ophthalmol 2002 Dec;50(4):355
31. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Garg P. Endo-light pipe to localize the site of SRF drainage in retinal reattachment surgery with hazy ocular media. Indian J Ophthalmol 2002 Sep;50(3):247
32. Dandona R, Dandona L, Tewari HK, Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan. Why do we overlook data from our own country? Natl Med J India 2002 May-June;15(3):179-80
33. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Singh RP. Indocyanine Green Enhanced Maculorhexis in Macular Hole Surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol 2002 Jun;50(2):123-6
34. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Tewari HK. Diabetic Retinopathy: Time for action. No complacency please! Bull World Health Organ 2002;80(5):419
35. Tewari HK, Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan. Eye trauma: Primary Care for General Physicians. The Natl Med J India 2002 Mar-Apr;15(2):85-9
1. Chauhan N, Prakash Gunjan. Retinal artery occlusion: Ocular Stroke. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Ophthalmology 2013;2:6-7.
2. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan. Trypan blue enhanced epiretinal membrane peel in retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 9(4):42-4
3. Prakash Gunjan. Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Ophthalmology Today. March-April, 2003;IV(2):62-5
4. Kumar A, Azad RV, Nainiwal S, Prakash Gunjan. High-speed ICG choroidal angiography for choroidal neovascular membranes and other allied disorders. DOS Times. Mar, 2003;8(9):18-20
5. Prakash Gunjan. Eales’ Disease. Ophthalmology Today. January-February, 2003;IV(1):25-27
6. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan. Diabetes can damage you eyes. Science Reporter. January, 2003;40(1):53-55,60-61
7. Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal S. Handling traumatic hyphema. DOS Times. Dec, 2002;8(6):15-7
8. Verma L, Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal S, Tewari HK. Postsurgical endophthalmitis: Prevention. DOS Times. Dec, 2002;8(6):13-4
9. Kumar A, Singh RP, Prakash Gunjan, Kedar S, Tewari HK. Transpupillary thermotherapy for the management of idiopathic subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation. Proceedings All India Ophthalmological Society. 2002;60:374-6
10. Kumar A, Alka, Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal S. Arterio-venous sheathotomy for branch vein occlusion and radial optic neurotomy for central retinal vein occlusion. DOS Times. Dec, 2002; 8(6): 7-10
11. Nainiwal S, Prakash Gunjan, Verma L, Tewari HK. Colour Vision. DOS Times. Oct, 2002;8(4):20-2
12. Kumar A, Nainiwal S, Prakash Gunjan. Indocyanine green angiography in age-related macular degeneration. Bombay Hospital Journal. 2002;44(3):333-9
13. Kumar A, Singh RP, Prakash Gunjan. Transpupillary thermotherapy in idiopathic subfoveal choroidal neovascular membrane. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology. 2002;9(3):23-6
14. Biswas NR, Jhingan S, Nainiwal S, Mohanty S, Das GK,Prakash Gunjan. Preservatives used in ophthalmology. DOS Times. Mar, 2002;7(9):29-31
15. Dada T, Sethi H,* Prakash Gunjan. Capsular staining techniques. DOS Times. Mar, 2002;7(9):25-6
16. Kumar A, Nainiwal S, Prakash Gunjan. Post vitreoretinal surgery glaucoma. DOS Times. Feb, 2002;7(8):21-2
17. Prakash Gunjan. Episcleritis. Ophthalmology Today. January-April, 2002;III(1&2):30-2
18. Kulkarni A, Nainiwal S, Kumar H, Garg D, Prakash Gunjan. Phacoemulsification revisited. DOS Times. Dec, 2001;7(6):45
19. Kumar H, Nainiwal S, Prakash Gunjan. Phacotrabeculectomy. DOS Times. Dec, 2001; 7(6): 28-9
20. Prakash Gunjan. Traumatic Hyphaema. Ophthalmology Today. Nov-Dec, 2001; II(6): 188-90.
21. Prakash Gunjan, Nainiwal SK, Kumar H. Acute Mucopurulent Conjunctivitis. DOS Times. Nov, 2001;7(5):9-10
22. Prakash Gunjan. Hertel Exophthalmometer. DOS Times. Sept, 2001;7(3):19-20
23. Kumar A, Prakash Gunjan, Verma L, Tewari HK. Indocyanine Green Angiography. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology. 2001;9(1):51-5